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The Working Expat

All about the jobs that let you travel the world.

Featured Videos

Working a summer in Alaska: All you need to know

How to use Cool Works to find seasonal work

A day in the life of an Au Pair in
Venice, Italy

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About Me

My name is Sabrina and for over the past 7 years I have been taking jobs that let me travel the world.

I have been an Au Pair in Italy, an English Teacher in China, lead a gap semester in South America, and sailed around the world by working on cruise ships.
I've worked seasonally in the USA, at summer camps, a ski resort, a dude ranch, and out in Alaska. I've also spent time volunteering across the USA.

My goal is to share information about these types of jobs so that you know where to find them, understand what they are really like, and to help you prepare for the realities of
the jobs that let you travel the world. 

 With everything I share, I hope it helps!
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