The Peace Corps is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think about doing service work overseas. However there are other options out there. If you are looking for other opportunities like the Peace Corps here are 5 paid service year opportunities that may work better for you.
Please Note: These are not volunteerism opportunities. While you will have a chance to see another part of the world, meet new people, and learn to empathize with other cultures, you are there to serve first and foremost.
Feel free to listen instead, here.

Mission & Goals: "In a spirit of mutuality, volunteers cultivate mercy and justice in the world by embracing compassionate service, social justice, spiritual growth, and a simple lifestyle in community."
Length & Location: 1 year placed in 1-2 of 4 locations in Guyana, South America. They also have options to serve in the USA.
Requirements to Participate: Those who are 21 years or older, are a high school graduate, have no dependents, and are currently residing in the USA.
What's Provided: A monthly living stipend, housing, health insurance, transportation to the country, and around the city.
What You Do: You will serve at 1 or 2, out of 4 different locations, in 1 of 4 different service sectors. If you serve at Mercy Wings Vocational Center you will work in the education sector as a teacher. You can also serve as a teacher, tutor, and/or lead extracurricular activities at St. John Bosco Boys’ Orphanage and Bosco Academy. If placed in St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, you will serve in the health care sector as a nurse, social worker, and/or physical/occupational therapist. At Mercy Resident care you may be able to work as a nurse or activities coordinator for the elderly.
Notable Information: The program does accept people of all faiths but it is founded in Catholicism. You will need to be comfortable serving and living in a Catholic atmosphere. Depending on what is needed at the time, there may be some positions where you need specific qualifications to apply.
2. Sudan Volunteer Program (SVP)

Mission & Goals: " raise the standard of English amongst ordinary Sudanese, who increasingly need it to access jobs allowing a reasonable standard of living but lack opportunities to develop key skills such as speaking and listening."
Length & Location: 7 months to 1 year in 1 of 9 cities in the country of Sudan. Click here to view locations.
Requirements to Participate: You must be a native English speaker, or a non-native speaker with excellent English skills. You need to be a college graduate, or close to graduating.
What's Provided: Accommodation and a monthly living stipend.
What You Do: You will be an English teacher/assistant at public schools and higher education institutes in one of 9 cities; Khartoum, Omdurman, Wad Medani, Kassala, Port Sudan, El Obeid, Dongola, Atbara, or Merowe.
Notable Information: You do need to pay for your own flights, medical checks, and any background checks needed to apply for/be accepted into the program. You will also be placed with at least 1 other volunteer during your time in the program.

Mission & Goals: Their goal is to mobilize volunteers by "promoting peace, responding to disasters, empowering communities and helping to build sustainable livelihoods and lasting development."
Requirements to Participate: You do need some sort of degree or work experience in the field you are applying for. You need to speak English, Spanish, or French. Other requirements will vary depending on what program you apply for.
Notable Information: There are so many different opportunities with UN Volunteers that length, location, type of service work, and what is provided will vary. The website has hundreds of service opportunities posted, you will need to comb through these yourself to find what you are looking for.
4. VSO International (Volunteer Service Overseas)

Mission & Goals: Their visions is "a world without poverty." Their mission is "to bring people together to fight poverty through the lasting power of volunteering."
Length & Location: Up to 2 years in one of 23 different countries across Africa and Asia.
They have worked with over 90 countries in the past. Location will change depending on who is reaching out to them for assistance. They also have a short term program for people between the ages of 18-35 for 10-12 weeks.
Requirements to Participate: Ages 18-75 and have at least 3 years experience in your professional field or an equivalent degree or qualification. Other requirements will depend on the program you apply to.
What's Provided: Travel, vaccinations, accommodations, medical insurance, and living allowance.
What You Do: You will serve in one of 3 service sectors; education, healthcare, or livelihood. In the education sector you may be teaching or developing an education system that is accessible to everyone. With healthcare you will be expanding and improving heath care and health education. And with the livelihood sector, you will be working in agriculture, fair trade, farming, and/or supporting local businesses.
Notable Information: This website can be hard to navigate. I recommend checking out this article by Nick Callos, who breaks down and explains this program very well.

Mission & Goals: Their mission is "to transform need into self-sufficiency." Their vision is "health care, clean water, education, and economic opportunity for every community worldwide."
Length & Location: 2 years in an isolated region, in either Guatemala, Mexico, or Columbia. In the past they have worked with 15 different countries.
Requirements to Participate: Must be at least 21yrs of age, have a degree in the field you are applying for, and be able to either speak Spanish fluently, or learn Spanish at your own expense.
What's Provided: A monthly living stipend, room and board, round trip transportation to the country you will be serving in, an annual trip home, and health insurance.
What You Do: You will teach and train local community members to be their own health care providers, water system builders, corporative business members, and teachers.
Notable Information: I personally believe this program is closest to the Peace Corps when you take it at face value. Many of their open positions tend to have some steep requirements to apply, and some type of previous experience is needed.
Hopefully this post was helpful in providing you with some paid international service opportunities overseas other than the Peace Corps. Of course, the Peace Corps is a wonderful opportunity that should not be overlooked, but some people are unable to meet the criteria needed to apply or can not dedicate 2 years to being abroad. No matter what organization you go with I hope your time abroad makes a positive and lasting impact.