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6 Working Holiday VISAs for US citizens in 2024

If you are a US citizen looking to work abroad, there are 6 countries that allow you to do so on a Working Holiday VISA; Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, and Canada. These VISAs give you an opportunity to live, work, and travel the country for an extended period of time while funding your adventures. The Working Holiday VISA is not only way to work abroad but can be a great option if you meet the requirements for each respective country. In this post you will find all of the information you need about working holiday VISAs for US citizens; requirements, application process, how to find a job, and more.

VISA stamps in a passport

Photo Credits: ConvertKit

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What to Know About Working Holiday VISAs

What is a working holiday VISA?

A working holiday VISA is a temporary work VISA that allows you to live and travel in a certain country for an extended period of time, usually between 6 months-2 years. It gives you the ability to legally work and make money as an expat.

Who is eligible for these work VISAs?

Working holiday VISAs are for young people, usually between the ages of 18-30/35 who have a college degree or are currently in post secondary education. You are not able to bring along any dependents and if you have a friend/spouse they must apply for their own VISA. The specific criteria for each individual VISA is different and the necessary requirements are listed under the VISA categories below.

What if you are not a US citizen?

While this post is geared toward US citizens who have a valid US passport, these VISAs are also available for other nationalities as well. In fact, there are actually a lot more working holiday VISA options for those who are not US citizens.

What do you do when your VISA expires?

You should leave the country before your VISA officially expires. If you do not, this can result in being detained, deported from the country, and/or inability to apply for a future VISA/re-enter that country. If your VISA is about to expire and you wish to stay in the country, you will need to see if it is possible to extend your current VISA and what steps you need to take to do so. Or, you may need to exit the country re-enter on a different VISA.

What are the perks of a working holiday VISA?

A working holiday VISA allows you to make money, which enables you to continue to fund your stay and travels within that country. This way you are able to stay longer and see and do more. It is also a great way to experience life as local and gain an understanding of the economy and labor side of the country/city you are in.

Do you need a job before you go?

No, you do not need to have a job before you arrive in the country you will be working in. While you can obtain a job before arrival, there are multiple ways to find a job once you are in the country. Specific links to help finding a job are listed below, under their respective VISA categories. *The only exception to this is Canada, as you need to get a job with a recognized organization before applying for the VISA.

Do these VISAs guarantee employment?

No, a working holiday VIAS does not guarantee employment or entry into the country. It simply allows you to legally work in the country. You must find and obtain a job yourself. In some countries it can be harder to find jobs than others.

Can you able to exit and re-enter the country?

Yes! Each of these VISAs become active once you enter the country. You can then enter and exit the country as many times as you like as long as the VISA has not expired.

How do you find housing?

There are multiple things you can do to find housing while on a working holiday VISA. You can rent and Airbnb, stay in a hostel long term, or choose to house sit. There are house sharing options available and some VISAs will even enable you to rent an apartment. You can also try and find a seasonal job where housing is included.

How much money should you bring with you?

You will need to bring along enough money to support yourself at the start of your journey. Costs to consider are; housing, food, travel within the country, round trip airfare, a in-country sim card, fun, and any other start up costs. It is advisable to take at least $5,000 USD with you to make sure you can cover these costs before you start making money. Of course, you can do it with less but the more you have saved up, the better.

Working Holiday VISAs for US Citizens

The streets of Dublin Ireland

Photo Credits: Diogo Palhais

Ireland's Working Holiday Authorisation


The Ireland Working Holiday Authorisation VISA allows US citizens to work and travel in Ireland for 12 months. 


US citizens over the age of 18 who are either currently in a full time post-secondary education on their way to obtaining a degree (AA, BA, Masters, or PHD) or have graduated from a degree program within 12 months of applying for the Working Holiday VISA.

Application Process

  • The application fee is around $339.

  • You must not be in Ireland at the time of application.

  • Submit an Ireland Working Holiday VISA Application and the following documents to an Irish Consulate near you by in person appointment or US post;

    • Copy of your passport, valid a full year after entry to Ireland.

    • 2 passport-sized photos with your name on the back.

    • Current resume with 2 references.

    • Evidence of your education that proves eligibility.

    • Proof of access to $4,000 in funds.

  • Once accepted you will need to then submit;

    • A return ticket that proves you will leave Ireland in 12 months.

    • Travel/medical insurance that will cover you while in the country.

Next Steps

  • You must enter Ireland within 6 months of obtaining your VISA or it will become void.

  • Within 90 days of arrival, you will need to register with the Garda National Immigration Bureau and pay a €300 fee for a registration card.

  • When in country you need to obtain a Personal Public Service Number and open a bank account.

Job Possibilities & Wages

The national minimum wage in Ireland is €12.70. There are no limitations to the type of job you can have. This means you have the ability to work in any job sector; hospitality, food industry, finance, childcare, agriculture, etc...

How to Find a Job in Ireland

Extending Your VISA

You can not extend your VISA. However, you can apply for the same VISA a second time, one year after your first VISA expires. The process is the same and you must be outside of Ireland to apply.

Other Ways to Work in Ireland

If you do not qualify for this VISA, here are a few other ways to work in Ireland;

New Zealand

Photo Credits: Aneta Hartmannova

New Zealand's Working Holiday VISA


The New Zealand Working Holiday VISA allows US citizens ages 18-30 to work and travel in the country for up to 12 months.


US citizens ages 18-30 who have not have previously applied for the NZ Working Holiday VISA.

Application Process 

  • The application fee is NZD $455 (includes $35 immigration levy).

  • You must apply online through the New Zealand Immigration website and submit the following documents;

    • A passport valid up to 15 months after your arrival in country.

    • Proof of funds of NZD $4,200 (about $3,000 USD).

    • You might need to provide a police certificate as proof of good character.

  • The approval process can take up to 4 weeks.

  • Once you've been accepted you will need proof of;

    • Medical insurance for the duration of your stay.

    • Either a plane ticket out of New Zealand or proof of funds large enough to purchase a departure ticket.

Next Steps

  • You must enter the country within 12 months of VISA approval or it will be void.

  • Once in NZ you will need to set up a bank account and obtain an Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number online or in person.

Job Possibilities & Wages

The NZ minimum wage is NZD $23.15. You are able to work any kind of legal job within the country but you may not work for the same employer for more than 6 months. Some of the most popular jobs are; barista, au pair, hospitality, hostel worker, administration assistant, ski instructor, farm worker, fruit picker, and many more.

How to Find a Job in New Zealand

  • You can go door to door to see who is hiring.

Extending Your VISA

You can extend your VISA for 3 months with the Extension Work VISA. To do so, you must have worked for 3 months in the viticulture or horticulture industry and apply while you are currently working in NZ before your current VISA expires .

Other Ways to Work in New Zealand

If you do not qualify for this VISA, here are a few other ways to work in New Zealand;

  • Find what NZ working VISAs you qualify for, here.

  • Find a work exchange (aka: volunteer) with websites like Workaway or WorldPackers.

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Sydney Australia

Photo Credits: Caleb

Australia's Working Holiday VISA


The working holiday VISA (subclass 462) in Australia allows US citizens ages 18-30 to travel and work in Australia for up to 12 months.


US citizens ages 18-30 who have graduated high school and have not previously entered the country on a working holiday VISA.

Application Process 

  • The application fee is AUD $635.

  • You must be outside of Australia to apply.

  • You need to apply online with the Australian Government and submit the following documents;

    • A valid passort.

    • Your birth certificate.

    • Proof of education qualifications.

    • Proof of AUD $5,000 in funds (about $3,300 USD).

    • You might need to submit a police background check.

  • It can take up to 2 weeks to receive approval.

  • To enter the country you will need a plane ticket out of Australia or proof of funds large enough to purchase a departure ticket.

Next Steps

  • You must enter Australia within 12 month of VISA approval or it will become void.

  • Once in Australia you will need to get a tax file number by calling or visiting a taxation office and also open a bank account.

Job Possibilities & Wages

The minimum wage in Australia is AUD $23.23. There are no limits to the type of work you can do while in Australia, but you are not allowed to work with the same company/employer for more than 6 months. The most popular working holiday jobs are; au pair, hostel work, hospitality, barista, bar tender, fruit picking, farming, and more.

How to Find a Job in Australia

Extending Your VISA

You can not technically extend your VISA. However you can apply for a second working holiday VISA as long as you complete 3 months of specified work and your first VISA has not expired past 28 days. You can also apply for a third working holiday VISA. Each VISA enables you to work and travel in Australia for an additional 12 months.

Other Ways to Work in Australia

If you do not qualify for this VISA, here are a few other ways to work in Australia;

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gadens by the bay in Singapore

Photo Credits: Annie Spratt

Singapore's Working Holiday Pass


Singapore's working holiday VISA, or working holiday pass, allows current US undergrads or recent graduates to travel and work in Singapore for up to 6 months.


US citizens age 18-25 who graduated from university within the last 3 months of applying or are currently an undergraduate at a university. You must have been/currently be a full time student and resident of your respective university.

Application Process 

  • You need to fill out the online application with the Government of Singapore and submit the following documents;

    • Copy of your passport.

    • For graduates: Copy of your degree and transcripts.

    • For current undergrads: A copy of your student ID card and a letter from your university dated within the past 3 months that includes matriculation, name, nationality/citizenship, date of birth, and year of study.

  • It may take 3-4 weeks to process your application.

  • Only 2,000 VISAs are given out each year.

Next Steps

  • You will receive a notification letter.

    • If approved, this letter allows you to being work and travel while waiting for your pass to arrive.

    • It will tell you if you need to submit photos and fingerprints. If so, you have 2 weeks to do so.

  • Once you receive your pass, you will need to get it issued online or by making an appointment.

  • It cost $175 to get your pass issued.

  • You should receive your pass within 4 days.

Job Possibilities & Wages

There is no legal minimum wage in Singapore so the wage you earn will vary. You are unable to work in the following job fields; medicine, law, dentistry, pharmacy, or architecture. It can be difficult to find a temporary job in Singapore and most people on this VISA find luck looking for summer work or internships.

How to Find a Job in Singapore

Extending Your VISA

You can not extend your VISA. However, you can apply for another working holiday pass, 12 months after your first pass expires. The application process is the same.

Other Ways to Work in Singapore

You can view other Singapore Work VISAs at the Government of Singapore website.

South Korea Palace

Photo Credits: Y K

South Korea's H-1 VISA


The H-1, or working holiday VISA, of South Korea allows US citizens ages 18-30 to work part time and travel around the country for 18 months.


US citizens ages 18-30 who are high school graduates and have not previously entered the country on this VISA.

Application Process 

  • The application fee is USD $45.

  • You must apply from within the USA.

  • Print and fill out the application form from their website, then submit it with the following documents to your closest Jurisdiction Korean Consular Office via in person or US post;

    • Passport valid for at least one year from the application date.

    • A passport photo.

    • Proof of a round trip plane ticket.

    • Clean criminal record.

    • Proof of education.

    • Health check/doctors letter dated within the last 3 months.

    • Proof of funds of KRW 3,000,000 (about $2,300 USD).

    • Travel/Activity Plans.

  • Approval can take about 2 weeks.

  • You will also need Health Insurance that will cover you for the duration of your stay in the country.

  • Only 5,000 US VISAs are given out each year.

Next Steps

  • You must enter the country within 12 months of VISA approval or it will become void.

  • Within 90 days of entering South Korea you must apply for an Alien Registration Card (ARC).

  • You will also need to open a bank account.

Job Possibilities & Wages

In Korea, workers must be paid KRW $50/month. You are unable to work more that 25 hours/week or 1300 hours/year. You are not able to work the following jobs; English teacher (there is a different VISA for this), entertainment industry (i.e. dancer, singer, acrobat, musician, etc...) or a job that requires specified skill set/license (i.e. doctor, nurse, engineer, pilot, etc...). Some common jobs that are acceptable are; retail, food service, barista, office work, hotels and hospitality, and more.

How to Find a Job in South Korea

Extending Your VISA

This is technically a one-time VISA, but a 6 month extension can be grated for US citizens.

Other Ways to Work in South Korea

If you do not qualify for this VISA, here are a few other ways to work in South Korea;


Photo Credits: Andrew Ly

International Experience Canada


Canada's working holiday work permit, through their International Experience Canada program, allows US citizens to live and work in the country for up to 24 months.


US citizens ages 18-35 who have support from a Recognized Organization.

Application Process 

  • You first need to have support from a Recognized Organization.

  • Participant fee of CAD $172.

  • Open Work Permit holder fee of CAD $100.

  • Complete an International Experience Canada profile and upload the following documents;

    • Copy of your passport, valid for the duration of your VISA.

    • Letter of support from your Recognized Organization.

  • Once you submit your application, your name will be entered into a draw. If you are chosen you will have 10 days to accept the invitation to apply. If you accept, you have 20 days to apply for the work permit and submit the following documents;

    • A passport photo.

    • A clean police report.

    • An up to date resume.

    • Biometrics (finger prints and photos).

    • Proof of funds of CAD $2,500 (about $1,500 USD).

    • Health insurance for the duration of your stay.

    • A round trip ticket out of Canada or proof of sufficient funds to buy a departure ticket.

Next Steps

  • Once approved you will receive a port of entry letter to show at the boarder. You must enter Canada before your letter expires. However, this letter does not guarantee entry to Canada.

  • Your recognized organization should provide you support when finding accommodation, a job, setting up a bank account, and more.

Job Possibilities & Wages

Federal minimum wage in Canada is CAD $17.30. You are able to work in any location excluding Quebec. Your job possibilities will depend on the options/placement provided by your recognized organization.

How to Find a Job in Canada

You do need to have a job before you arrive in Canada. The recognized organization you choose to work with, in order to obtain this VISA, will help you with job placement.

Extending Your VISA

You are able to extend your VISA for a number of reasons. If you you do not meet these reasons, you can submit a new application for another IEC VISA.

Other Ways to Work in Canada

If you do not qualify for this VISA, here are a few other ways to work in Canada;

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There are 6 countries that offer Working Holiday VISAs for US citizens to work and travel abroad; Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, and Canada. These VISAs are great opportunities to work, live, travel, and really get to know a country from a different point of view. If you have experience working abroad on one of these VISAs, share your thoughts and advise in the comments below!

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