Work exchange is doing a certain job or kind of labor in exchange for room and board. It is a great way to travel and can lead to some really cool experiences. To help you find the best opportunity, here is a list of 10 websites to find work exchange jobs.
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What to Know About Using Work Exchange Websites
You must be age 18+ to apply.
You need to pay for a membership to apply.
These website are like a job bulletin board, you need to apply on your own.
You will not always get a reply from the places you are interested in.
Reading past traveler reviews are important.
You should always do your own research before going.
Remember that you will need to put in work, it is not simply free travel.
Websites for Work Exchange
1. WWOOF - Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms

Membership Fee: $20/year for a solo account or $30/year for a joint account.
Work Locations: 130+ countries and over 12,000+ hosts.
Website Resources: Active forums & posts on past volunteer experiences.
Vet Their Hosts: Yes
Notes: All the work on this website is focused on farming or environmental tasks.
2. Workaway

Membership Fee: $44/year for a solo account or $56/year for a joint account.
Work Locations: 170+ countries and over 50,000 opportunities.
Website Resources: This site allows you to connect with other travelers, read blog posts of other's experiences, and more.
Vet Their Hosts: Yes
Notes: This website has the most diverse options and the most opportunities of any of the websites on this list.
3. Worldpackers

Membership Fee: $49/year for a solo account or $59/year for a joint account.
Work Locations: 140+ countries
Website Resources: Provides a lot of info on their hosts and has blog posts from past volunteers.
Vet Their Hosts: Yes
Notes: Offers diverse opportunities.

Membership Fee: €10/year (Their free membership only allows you and make a profile and search for jobs, but not apply.)
Work Locations: Around the world but exact number unknown.
Website Resources: Tips on setting up a profile, lots of travel guides and work information on possible jobs in each country, even if there are not jobs currently being offered.
Vet Their Hosts: Yes
Notes: They offer help on setting up a profile and finding a job for €100.
5. HelpX

Membership Fee: €20 for 2 years.
Work Locations: Around the world but exact number unknown.
Website Resources: Provides lots of info on their hosts and allows you to connect with other travelers.
Vet Their Hosts: Yes
Notes: Also known as 'help exchange'.
6. Hopper Jobs

Membership Fee: FREE
Work Locations: Around the world but exact number unknown.
Website Resources: Newsletter and Facebook group.
Vet Their Hosts: Unknown.
7. Hippo Help

Membership Fee: €12 (They say it is free, but will charge when you want to contact a host.)
Work Locations: Around the world but exact number unknown.
Website Resources: You can view and contact other travelers.
Vet Their Hosts: Unknown - does not seem so.
Notes: With this site you find a job by searching location first via a map of the world.
8. Help Stay

Membership Fee: €42.99 - €53.00/year or €51.00 - €62.00/year for a joint account.
Work Locations: 100+ countries.
Website Resources: Blog posts on how to find jobs and work in other countries.
Vet Their Hosts: Yes
Notes: This is the most expensive option out of all the websites on this list.

Membership Fee: FREE
Work Locations: Around the world but exact number unknown.
Website Resources: N/A
Vet Their Hosts: Unknown - does not seem so.
Notes: This site offer little to no information on many of its hosts and there is not much information in terms of photos or reviews to prove legitimacy. It is also not user friendly.

Membership Fee: Unknown
Notes: Website is powered by help stay and directs you to other websites to apply for jobs.
If you are looking to work for multiple hosts doing diverse types of work, then I suggest using Workaway. The second choice would be World Packers. If you are looking to work for multiple hosts but specifically want to work on farms or with environmental type tasks, I suggest WWOOF.
If you are looking for a one time experience, I recommend taking the time to look at what is available on multiple sites. Then, get a membership for the website that offers the specific opportunities you want to apply to. Of course, be sure there are more than a couple of options as you never know what jobs will respond or will still have placements available.
Good luck finding the work exchange experience that is perfect for you and I hope it is one to remember!