If you are looking for a job as an Au Pair abroad you have two options; find a job on your own or go with a placement agency. Finding a host family on your own means you get to choose your family and have more say throughout the process, but it also means doing all the work yourself and hoping things work out. If you choose to go with an agency they will help you through each step of the process and place you with a family, but this means spending money for these services. Whichever way you decide to go, this post will take you through the step by step process of how to find a job as an Au Pair abroad.

Photo Credits: Liana Mikah
Table of Contents
FAQs About Finding a Job as an Au Pair
What is an Au Pair?
In simple terms, an Au Pair is basically a nanny that works in a country other than their own. They assist the parents in caring for the children and with tasks such as; cooking, cleaning, or other basic household chores.
What are the qualifications to become an Au Pair?
While Au Pairs are usually women between the ages of 18-30, there is technically no global requirement to be an Au Pair. What it really depends on is the qualifications you need to obtain a VISA that allows you to work as an Au Pair in the country you are interested in.
What VISA do you need to work as an Au Pair abroad?
The type of VISA you need will depend on what country you are from and what country you want to be an Au Pair in. Usually an Au Pair job will require some type of work VISA or a student VISA that lets you work part time while taking classes. Before finding a job, you should look into what type of VISA you will need and if you qualify.
What are the perks of being an Au Pair?
Working as an Au Pair allows you to live for an extended period of time in a specific country without worrying about accommodations or other necessary amenities like laundry or food. Since you are living with a local family, you get the opportunity to understand and experience a country/city/town like a local and gain a deeper understanding of the culture and social norms. It is also a great way to travel and gain more experience working with children/youth. Learn more with: The Pros & Cons of Being an Au Pair.
How does housing and food work?
A big perk of being an Au Pair is that housing and food are usually provided. Housing can mean anything from your own room in the family's home, an apartment above their garage, or even a room in a completely separate building down the street. It all depends on what the family offers. You should alway ask to see your living quarters before you arrive and make sure it is livable for you. Food is also usually included as you will normally eat meals with the family or have spending money to purchase your own groceries.
How much money can you make as an Au Pair?
The term for the wages an Au Pair receives is referred to as "pocket money". This is because you will make less than you would with a normal job, as food and lodging are included. How much money you will make will depend on your agreement with the family. Always agree on how much you will be compensated and when/how you will receive compensation before taking the job.
What should you put on your resume/profile to get an Au Pair job?
When creating an Au Pair profile or resume, it is important to list all your previous experience working with children; babysitting, camp counselor, tutoring, substitute teaching, etc... You should also be open and honest about the type of tasks and work you are looking to do; housework, laundry, cooking, driving the kids to school, grocery shopping, etc... Don't forget to add why you want to be an Au Pair.
Going on Your Own VS Using an Agency
Should you find an Au Pair job on your own or go with a placement agency? Neither path guarantees a "better Au Pair experience," and nether is the wrong way to do it. What it really comes down to is if you are happy doing the leg work on your own or if you want support through the entire experience. To help you decide, here are the pros and cons of each option...
Going on Your Own
No extra expenses/agency fees.
You choose which families you want to interview.
You can change your mind on many things throughout the process; country you want to go to, age of children you want to work with, etc..
You can work out your own contract as you and the family see fit.
You make decisions on your own time.
It's easier than most people think.
You do all the work and research on; the family, the country, the VISA, etc...
You have to deal with combing through families that may not respond to your messages or may ghost you.
If it does not work with the family you are with you are own in figuring out what to do.
You can be taken advantage of if you don't know what to expect.
Using a Placement Agency
They do all the work in finding and vetting/background checking the families.
They take you through every step of the process; VISA, moving abroad, etc...
They can help with issues that arise between you and the family.
They assure you will be getting paid properly and on time.
They assure that the agreement you and your family made is followed through on.
If the job does not work out they can rematch you with another family.
Some agency fees are high.
If you don't like the family they match you with you may not get a refund.
You need to abide by their rules.
You can't change your mind half way through the process regarding the country you want to work in, as agencies only place Au Pairs in specific countries.

Photo Credits: Myles Tan
How to Find a Job as an Au Pair on Your Own
Step 1: Choose a Country
The very first thing you need to do is choose a country and make sure you qualify for the VISA needed to work as an Au Pair. You can be open to going to multiple countries, just make sure to do the research to ensure you can legally work there. When choosing a country you should also consider; the language, the weather, cultural differences/way of life, cost of living, and if it is somewhere you will enjoy living for the duration of your job/contract.
Step 2: Figure out Your Expectations
Before jumping in, take the time to consider what you want this job to be. This means getting a rough idea of your expectations;
Regarding your host family
How many kids you want to care for and their general age range.
What type of lifestyle the family lives and does it match your own.
The language they use at home.
About your living situation
Do you want to be in a town/city/suburb.
Do you want to find a live-in job or have accommodations outside the home.
The type of work and responsibilities you want
Hours per day and days per week you want to work.
Responsibilities you'll have with the kids; driving them to school, bed time routine, making their lunch, after school activities, etc...
Other responsibilities; cooking, cleaning, shopping for groceries, etc...
There are many other things to consider when finding a job as an Au Pair. Your expectations can change but it is good to have a general idea before you start. You will also need to utilize this information in the next step.
Step 3: Choose an Au Pair Website and Create Your Profile
There are multiple websites you can use to find an Au Pair job on your own for free. Personally, I recommend using Au Pair World. If you would like other options, here are 9 Different Websites to Find an Au Pair Job Abroad.
Once you find the website that works best for you, you need to create a profile. Your profile asks you to fill out details about yourself, along with the expectations you came up with in Step 2. Fill out your profile to the best of your ability. Be honest and thorough. Be sure to update it as your expectations evolve. If you use Au Pair World, here is a breakdown of How to Fill Out Your Au Pair World Profile.
Step 4: Search for and Interview Host Families
The Au Pair website you use will have different ways of searching for host families. When searching the first thing you need to do is make sure the family is legitimate. One way to do this is by assessing their profile; Do they have photos of the kids? Is their profile filled out, detailed, and makes sense? Do their expectations line up with what an Au Pair job should be?
Read through their profile to make sure your expectations line up with the family's. If you are interested, or want to know more, send them a message letting them know you are interested and why you would be a good match. You should be messaging more than one host family as you may not always get a response, you may get a no thank you, or you may find out that family is not a good fit
It is normal for host families to want to connect on a different platform such as email, Facebook messenger, or Whatsapp. This way they can converse with you easier and not loose their connection with you, as families usually need to pay a registration fee to contact Au Pairs and this registration can expire or may be limited. As long as you are comfortable, it is okay to move the conversation to another platform to continue to talk and see if you would be a good fit for each other.
While talking, you should ask them for their Facebook or social media platforms so that you can once again assure they are legitimate. You can also ask them for references from their past Au Pair/Babysitters so you can learn more about the family from another perspective. From there, you should have a least 2-3 FaceTime conversations where you speak with them face to face, see their home, view your living quarters, and meet the children.
To get an idea of what to ask and find out during the interview process, here are 101+ Questions to Ask Your Host Family, and Why You Need to Ask Them.
Step 5: Choose Your Family and Create a Contract/Agreement
Once you have have gone through the interview process throughly and decided on the host family that is a good fit for you, it's time to make an agreement with your host family. This should be relatively easy as most of the things included in this agreement/contract should have already been discussed and verbally agreed upon. Some key points to consider are;
Your Role
What your responsibility is with the kids, with and without the parents present.
Other responsibilities you have; cooking, laundry, housework, pet care, etc...
Living Arrangements
If you have your own room/bathroom and where you will be living.
What amenities are included/what you need to pay for; laundry, wifi, etc...
How food will work; will you always eat with them even on your off days?
Your Schedule
How many days per week and hours per day you will be working.
What your daily routine looks like.
Payment and Compensation
How much pocket money you will receive and when.
What else your family includes; use of car, gas, public bus pass, etc...
It is ideal to get these things written down on a contract between you and the family, or at the very least somewhere in writing. This way you have something to reference when you need to because a verbal agreement is not binding can become a "he said, she said" situation.
Step 6: Apply for the Proper VISA and Go Abroad
When you and your host family have finished working out the details and decided on a start date, it is time to obtain the necessary VISA that will allow you to work as an Au Pair abroad. Some VISAs can take a month or more to process, so make sure you fill out the necessary documents in a timely manner. Once your VISA is approved, then all you need to do is purchase a plane ticket and pack your bags for your Au Pair job abroad!

Photo Credits: Christina
How to Use a Placement Agency to Get an Au Pair Job
Step 1: Choose a Country
The very first thing you need to do is choose a country and make sure you qualify for the VISA needed to work as an Au Pair. When choosing a country you should also consider; the language, the weather, cultural differences/way of life, cost of living, and if it is somewhere you will enjoy living for the duration of your job/contract. The country you choose will determine what agency you go with as agencies only place their Au Pairs in the specific countries they work with.
Step 2: Choose a Placement Agency
There are lots of different agencies to choose from that offer Au Pair placements abroad. When deciding on an agency consider the following things; the program fees, are these fees refundable if you do not accept a placement, the support they provide through the entire process, their qualifications for participates (as these may be different than what your VISA requires), past Au Pair reviews, and if they are legitimate. You can tell if an agency is legitimate by reading past Au Pair reviews on third party websites, finding out if they are certified, see if they have legitimate partner agencies, and checking if they are a member of accredited Au Pair associations such as the International Au Pair Association.
To find an agency, simply do a google search for au pair placement agencies in the country you are looking to go to. Or, check out the following lists:
Once you have chosen the agency that works best for you, you will need to apply directly to them via their website.
Step 3: The Application and Interview Process
Each agency will have their own specific process of doing things. You will need to first apply to their agency via their website and some will agencies require an interview. Once accepted, they will take you step by step through their matching process. Generally speaking it will look something like this; You will fill out a profile/submit your information, experience, and expectations. Then they will either match you with families they want you to interview with or will give you access to host family profiles for you to choose from. You and your selected host families will have an interview and decide if you are a good fit for each other. If so, you will then sign an agreement/contract.
Throughout this process, the majority of agencies will provide support with your resume/profile, interview prep, and any questions you have along the way. There will also be agency/placement fees to pay throughout this process.
Step 4: Getting Your VISA and Working Abroad
Once you and your host family have signed an agreement, your agency will help you take the necessary steps to obtain the proper VISA. This does not mean they will get the VISA for you, but rather make sure you have the proper documents and are submitting them to the correct location. Once you have your VISA you will need to buy your plane ticket, if not included with the agency fees, and move abroad.
While overseas, you will continue to be supported by your placement agency. If issues arise between you and your family they can help mediate. They will also assure you are getting paid on time and that both parties are following the terms of the agreement you both signed. If things are not working out between you and your family, most agencies will also help you rematch with another host family.
If you want to be an Au Pair abroad you can find a host family on your own or by using a placement agency. There are pros and cons to both but it's up to you to decide which path works best for you. Hopefully these steps to becoming an Au Pair will help you in your search for a job overseas. Have more questions on the Au Pair process? Ask in the comments below!