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26 Unique Summer Jobs and How to Find Them

Writer's picture: Sabrina Sabrina

Seasonal work often offers wonderful opportunities to live in beautiful locations while reaping the benefits of some amazing perks. While the classic adventure guide jobs, summer camps, or national park experiences are often talked about, there are even more jobs that tend to fly under the radar. These summer jobs are unique because they allow employees to step into a role that requires you to take on a different persona, travel while you work, and/or engage with your surroundings in a way that will keep you entertained during your work day. This post will provide you with 26 unique summer seasonal jobs and where you can find them.

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Performer at the Summer Renaissance Fair

Photo Credit: Matt Benson

Acting & Preforming Jobs

1. Renaissance Faire Performer

Job Description

There are various characters that actors can bring to life as they step back in time to the embellished era of the Renaissance. Faire hires townsfolk, bar maids, members of the royal court, jousting knights, and more to spend their summer interacting with guests while putting on a show. You can also get a job as a show performer by singing, dancing, playing an instrument, acting out skits, and more.

If you want to work in this unique environment without having to cosplay, they also hire food venders, ticket takers, custodial, and other supporting role.

What to Know

If you are looking for a weekend job, or want to show up to work at the same location everyday, then you will want to work at a permanent faire location. You can apply directly to the faire via their career pages or work for a permanent vendor. If you want to be a traveling "Rennie" then joining a merchant/vendor or a traveling show group as a roadie/tech may be the best way to get into the job/lifestyle.

Where to Find Renaissance Faire Jobs

2. Historic Reenactment Actor

Job Description

There are many different roles you can take on with these jobs. Some places need guides to act as notable historic figures and recite memorized scripts while leading tours through historic locations. Living history/open air museums require actors to interact with guests while performing tasks that someone from that time period would, like turning butter or mending corsets. There are also actors who dress in period wear and reenact battles and scenes from history, all without having to speak.

What to Know

Some of these jobs require extensive prep on the time period you will be portraying. While a lot of jobs offer payment, there are even more that are volunteer based, especially when it comes to events taking place at historic parks, that are put on by the town/state's history committee, and at museums that are nonprofit. If you do want to volunteer you will most likely need your own costume. If you are looking for a paid job then be sure to read the posting thoroughly.

Where to Find Reenactment Jobs

3. Costume Character or Mascot

Job Description

Costume characters and mascots are either face characters or full costumed characters. Face characters are ones whose faces can be seen, such as; superhero, princess, pop star, etc... You will talk with guests or simply be a smiling presence on a stage. As a costume character you wear a suite that covers your face and will generally not have a speaking role. Examples of these characters are, the Chuck E Cheese mouse, Wally the Green Monster, or a Minion from Despicable Me.

What to Know

There are full time mascot/character jobs like sports teams, theme park work, or princess party events. There are also part-time jobs that take place during a one time event like a company event, trade show, or brand/release announcement.

Where to Find Character/Mascot Jobs

4. Ghost Guide / Scary Story Teller

Job Description

A ghost guide is a tour guide who takes groups of tourists through historic buildings or down dark alleyways while telling haunted, scripted stories. There are also opportunities to sit down with groups and tell scary stories around the fire or in a candle lit room.

What to Know

There are lots of locations that offer spirit/ghost tours year round. However, there are locations only open in the summer as they offer walking tours around the city or have seasonal businesses.

Where to Find Ghost Tour Guide Jobs

5. Singing Server for Tea Around Town

Tea around town is a newer company that enables tourists to have a moving tea party on a double decker bus while touring the town and engaging in some light entertainment.

Job Description

As a Tea Around Town Singing Server you will provide entertainment by singing to guests onboard while serving them tea and pastries. Other hospitality tasks are included in the role.

What to Know

Currently this company only operates in 5 states, so jobs are only available in the following locations; New York City (NY), Houston (TX), Washington D.C., Philadelphia (PA), and Atlanta (GA).

Where to Find a Job at Tea Around Town

Taking a work break at the country fair

Photo Credit: Richard Sagredo

Entertainment & Event Staff

6. Carnival / State & County Fair Staff

Job Description

There are many different jobs you can get working at the carnival or fair; tickets, custodial, ride attendant, food truck vender, games attendant, operations, concessions, petting zoo, events, parking, etc...

What to Know

To work at a fair, you can work directly with the fair itself, get a job with companies that outsources employees/rides/entertainment to the fair, work with venders (like food trucks) that have booths/stalls, work with farms that have livestock or concession stands, or assist with entertainment/events that host at the fair.

Where to Find Jobs at the Carnival / Fair

7. Rodeo Staff

Job Description

There are various entry level jobs needed to help run the rodeo; tickets, food and beverage vendors, merchandise, and other support positions.

What to Know

Aside from applying directly to the Rodeo/Arena, another way to break into the business is to find a job with venders that sell food, beverages, and merchandise at the rodeo. You can also look into working with farms that supply livestock for rodeo events, join a team that supports the competitors/riders, or work with event companies that outsource staff.

Where to Find Jobs with the Rodeo

8. Circus Staff

Job Description

There are lots of jobs with the circus aside from it's performers. The circus needs set up and break down crews, custodial, food and merchandise vendors, tickets, lighting, sound technicians, performer support, and more.

What to Know

While circus' have changed drastically over the last decade, you should do your research to be sure it's an ethical circus before applying. There are permanent circuses that allow you to show up to the same location each day or traveling circuses that allow you to travel to various locations around one or multiple states.

Where to Find a Job with the Circus

9. Concert Staff

Job Description

There is a wide range of concert and venue staffing jobs, such as; tickets, security, merchandise, food and beverage, ushers, custodial, and more.

What to Know

There are indoor and outdoor venues/concert halls you can work at. As most take place during nights/weekends, and the amount of staff needed may vary each week depending on how many tickets are sold, this is a good part-time gig.

Where to Find a Job at a Concert Venue

10. Sports Stadium & Event Staff

Job Description

During games, they need workers to fill various roles such as; merchandise and gift shop, concession stand, parking, tickets, ushers, custodial, and more.

What to Know

In the summer it is most likely you will be working at baseball, football, and basketball games. Since many games take place in the evening and can be few and far between, this is a good part-time job for most people. However, many sport stadiums also host other events, so you may have other job opportunities at your location.

Where to Find Jobs at Sports Stadiums

11. Road Race Staff

There are many types of road races, such as; 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons, full marathons, fun runs (i.e. color run or turkey run), fundraising/ cause runs (i.e. breast cancer awareness), and many more.

Job Description

Road race events need workers that focus on; planning, working the day of the event, and event clean up. As a road race planner you could assist in mapping the race, marketing, communications, finding venders, and other event planning work. On the day of the event they need set up crew, people to check in racers, people to pass out water, food and beverage attendants, and more. During clean up, staff are needed to break down the event booths, clean up the route, etc...

What to Know

Many of these jobs are volunteer positions, because a lot of fun runs are fundraisers. If you want a paying job read the job description carefully. If you only want to work sporadically, then apply to specific races that appear annually or only happen on the weekends. If you want a more permanent summer job, apply to specific event companies that set up multiple races or offer venue staffing.

Where to Find Jobs at Road Race Events

Summer job on a farm

Photo Credit: Zoe Richardson

Agriculture & Hands-On Work

12. Farmhand / Ranchhand

Job Description

Farm and ranch jobs can be drastically different depending on the type of farm/ranch. If you work on a cattle ranch you may be expected to saddle up and drive cattle in the morning and then fix fence all afternoon. If you work on a fruit farm you may be doing a lot of landscape work, fruit picking, and/or deliveries. It depends on the needs of the rancher/farmer.

What to Know

The majority of these jobs can be very physically demanding. Be sure to research the type of farm/ranch you are applying to and the specific tasks you will be required to do. Not all ranch jobs require extensive experience in horseback riding.

Where to Find Jobs as a Ranch or Farmhand

Related Resources

13. Conservation Crew Member

Job Description

Conservation crew members spend a lot of time in the wilderness, building and maintaining public hiking and maintenance trails. They also focus on invasive species removal, wildlife and habitat restoration, wildfire prevention, and other tasks that help conserve our outdoor world.

What to Know

These jobs take a lot of physical work and energy and can be taxing on your body. Some of these jobs provide a living stipend only (not a big paycheck) but also provide your housing and food during work hours. While they have summer only conservation crews, it is also a year round opportunity.

Where to Find Conservation Corps Jobs

14. Under Canvas Set-up Crew

Under Canvas is an outdoor glamping company that provides luxury camping experience for tourists while they explore the great outdoors and visit popular tourist destinations.

Job Description

Under Canvas set up crews are responsible for setting up the canvas tents and facilities that the campgrounds are composed of. They do a lot of heavy lifting to make sure everything is ready before the company can open its doors for the summer season.

If you want to work with this company but are not interested in doing the heavy lifting they also have summer jobs in hospitality, food and beverage, housekeeping, and more.

What to Know

Under Canvas has campgrounds in the following locations; Maine, Utah, Montana, Washington, Arizona, Tennessee, South Dakota, Wyoming, and California.

Where to Find Jobs with Under Canvas

15. Fruit Picker

Job Description

Depending on what's in season in the region you work in, as a fruit picker you may be picking apple or oranges from trees, blueberries or strawberries from bushes, or watermelons off of the vines. Other tasks may be delivering produce to the market, selling it at the farmers market, or helping with weeding.

What to Know

These jobs seem simple but can be tedious for many people. For example, with blueberry picking you may get paid by the weight of the baskets you fill and not necessarily by the hour.

Where to Find USA Fruit Picking Jobs

16. Farmers Market Staff

Job Description

Jobs with farmers markets vary. If you work with a vendor you will be tasked with set up, clean up, selling food or merchandise, talking with vendors, working the cash register, and more. If you work directly with the farmers market you can assist with event planning, vender outreach, the information booth, custodial, security, marketing, etc...

What to Know

A lot of farmers markets take place on the weekends, or one day per week, so this can be a good side hustle. Getting a job with a vender at the farmers market is a great way to travel/work at different farmers markets in your region. Many farmers markets take volunteers, so if you apply directly to the market make sure it is a paid gig. There are indoor and outdoor markets, and some larger indoor ones are open year round.

Where to Find Jobs at the Farmers Market

summer trip leader for kids

Photos Credit: Mael Balland

Work with Kids & Teens

17. Summer Trip Leader

Job Description

Summer Trip Leaders are positive mentors who take groups of tween/teens on multi-week backpacking adventures, international excursions, or cross-country road trips that range from 2-weeks to 2-months. They are responsible for safety, group management, teaching outdoor and travel skills, group budgeting, communicating with companies who take their groups on adventures, and a much more.

What to Know

These jobs require you to travel, live, eat, and work with your group 24/7. It can be very exhausting and fast-paced. It can be hard for many people to live out of a backpack/suite case, even for a few weeks at a time.

Where to Find a Job as a Summer Trip Leader

Related Resources

18. Space Camp Counselor

Job Description

Space camp counselors supervise their "trainees" while leading and facilitating engaging and educational STEM activities.

What to Know

This job is available at the US Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. There is no specific experience needed for this job, you just need to be over the age of 19 and have a drivers license. They will assist with finding and/or provide seasonal housing.

Where to Find a Job at Space Camp

19. Sea Turtle Camp Staff

Job Description

As a Sea Turtle Camp Counselor you educate students and campers on sea turtles in a fun and engaging way. This may include interacting with turtles, visiting their nesting sites, and more. Some locations that offer sea turtle camps need to fill various roles such as lifeguard, maintenance, food service, and more.

What to Know

There is a specific camp called Sea Turtle Camp in North Carolina. There are sea turtle camps offered at a few other locations in the USA as well. You will find marine life camps/workshops in aquariums across the USA. These can be overnight, multi-day, or weekend only jobs depending on what you are looking for a what the company offers.

Where to Find a Job at Sea Turtle Camp

Related Resources

20. Paintball Referee 

Job Description

As a paintball referee you are responsible for making sure all players are engaging in a safe manner and respecting the rules of the game. You also may assist with tickets, park entry, gift shop, cleaning, and other job related tasks.

What to Know

The majority of paintball fields are outdoors under the sun. Some referees run around in the field while the games are going on and have a chance of being hit with paintballs. Others have vantage points they can safely call the game from.

Where to Find a Job as a Paintball Referee

hospitality work from the train crew

Other Unique Hospitality Jobs

21. Railroad Crew

Job Description

There are tons of jobs working on the railroad. If you are looking for hospitality work they have guest facing jobs like; ticketing, tour guides, bar tenders, servers, ticket takers, etc... There are also behind the scenes jobs like maintenance, custodial, engineer, yardmaster, and more.

What to Know

Different types of trains and train companies will offer different experiences. You can find the hospitality/guest facing jobs on trains that offer tours, scenic day trips, luxury experiences, or overnight trips. These are the summer jobs. You can find the behind the scenes/hands-on jobs available year-round on freight trains, commuter trains, cargo trains, etc...

Where to Find Jobs on the Railroad

22. Tour Guide

Job Description

There are tons of summer tour guide jobs that require little to no experience such as; walking tour guide, e-bike tour guide, jeep guides, hiking guides, rock climbing guides, etc... The job itself will differ depending on what type of guide you are.

What to Know

There are tons of tour guide jobs and each have their own requirements. One thing they all have in common is that employers want their guides to be able to get along with their guests, make conversation, and create a great experience.

Where to Find Tour Guide Jobs

Related Resources

23. Waterpark Lifeguard or Staff

Job Description

Lifeguarding at a waterpark means continuously scanning pools, water slides, and other water related rides/amusements to make sure guests are safe.

If you don't want to be a lifeguard, there are many other jobs you can get at a waterpark, including; parking, tickets, gift shop, food and beverage, custodial, maintenance, and more.

What to Know

Lifeguards need to have a valid Lifeguard Certification. This is a multi-day course and some employers will pay for it or reimburse you for it. Lifeguarding looks simple but can be a lot of work as it is your job to make sure guests are safe and that you are fit enough to save people who are drowning.

Where to Find Waterpark Jobs

24. Beverage Cart Attendant / Caddie

Job Description

As a beverage cart attendant you drive around the golf course selling beverages to golfers. You maintain your golf cart, handle cash, serve drinks, and interact with golfers around the course. As a caddie, you follow and/or drive around golfers while providing them with the correct golf clubs and equipment necessary to partake in the sport.

What to Know

Usually these jobs are part-time and schedules can vary greatly depending on the needs of the company. Many people say the best way to get a job is through connections with people you know who use the golf course(s) or emailing the hiring team/pro/manager at the course you want to work at.

Where to Find Cart Attendant / Caddie Jobs

25. Party Bike Peddler Host

Many cities offer wine or beer tours via party bikes (multi-person vehicles that are powered from multiple people peddling at once). Some party bikes allow guests to drink onboard and others function as a way to bar hop.

Job Description

As a host/pilot of a party bike, you create a fun and memorable experience for your guests by providing information about the city and taking them to the best bars in town. You may need to peddle or drive the vehicle or you may just get to ride along and pass out drinks.

What to Know

You need to be 21+ to apply for this job. These jobs are located in popular cities around the USA.

Where to Find a Job with a Peddling Pub

26. Island Work

Job Description

There are lots of islands in the USA that provide various jobs for employees during the summer, such as; ferry transportation, tour guides, waitstaff, housekeeping, hotel/resort work, lifeguarding, babysitting, ice cream scooper, gift shop attendants, and more.

What to Know

There are summer island jobs where you will need to live on the island and others that will allow you to commute via ferry. You can find employers that provide free housing or offer accommodation at a low cost.

Where to Find a Job on an Island


Seasonal work can offer many wonderful opportunities and sometimes the job itself allows you to have a unique experience while on the clock. Hopefully this list of unique summer seasonal jobs will help you find one that makes your summer memorable. Have you worked any of the jobs on this list or had another unique summer job? Share your experience in the comments below!

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